Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Revolution Will be Youth with Cassette Tapes

Welcome to Episode 6 of Doc Rockavoy's Indy Music Garage! For this episode, I have a DC heavy rotation of bands, with a little space and stoner rock thrown in the mix. When I selected the music for today, I realized that alot of my punk rock record collection is on cassette tapes, which was the older mode for music piracy when I grew up.

When I was a teenager, my friends and I used to buy records together, and given our meager cash, we would divide up the buying so we wouldn't duplicate our record purchases, knowing that we would record each other's records on cassette tapes. I bought alot of the DC and East Coast underground music, and my friend Kasey had all the West Coast and Midwest punk. Thus, I have no Misfits in my record collection, or the Circle Jerks, Battalion of Saints, Wasted Youth, and Adolescents, for example. My friend Johnny Reichard had a comprehensive collection of Brit punk, every Damned and UK Subs record. I will have to purchase a tape player that makes MP3's in the future to mix more into the rotation.

I still don't have a podcast microphone, which is just as well. Some highlights here are a new track by Crowds and Power entitled "Bad Actress," and a great band headed by Jack Gory from Philly called Scab Cadillac. Jack was really cool, and has since passed away, but was a true bohemian and punk rocker. I first met him at Silk City Lounge in the mid-1990s, and enjoyed his jovial and warm presence. He was a mix between a gnarly football player and Lord Byron, equally brute strength and poetic in his endeavors.

The last track by Sick Pleasure on this episode is a true dirge of punk.

The show is about 115 minutes. The playlist in order is: Minor Threat, Sick Pleasure, TSOL, Sorry, Gray Matter, Grand Mal, Second Wind, Aggression, Red C, Marginal Man, Reptile House, Kyuss, Ignition, Minutemen, Beefeater, Nation of Ulysses, Truman's Water, Articles of Faith, The Fall, Spacemen 3, Fugazi, Scab Cadillac, Delta 72, Zombie vs. Shark, Crowds and Power, Holy Rollers, The Snakes, Bluetip, Murder City Devils, Das Damen, The Cult, Queens of the Stone Age, Zen Guerilla, Scream, Fire Party, and Sick Pleasure.

Thank for tuning in, and I'll mix it up next week with some early 80s punk/pop!


Doc Rockavoy

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